Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Cottage Garden Paradise!

I decided that all hard working gardeners need to have a sanctuary to be able to sit back, relax and enjoy their gardens! So I've mulched area in my garden that I've named the "Cottage Garden". 

I leveled and paved part of the space (as everything here has a bit of a slope!) to put the swing seat on and my plan is to plant it out with fantastic scents and gorgeous flowers!

So far I've planted a few things, but because things are so dry and most of the cottage garden plants are annuals I've decided to hold off until next spring before I decide what I should put in it. It's looking alright (Aside from the numerous weeds that seem to not be effected by the drought!). I got a few Dahlia's on clearance that have burst into flower, a rose and a couple of Daphne plants.  I never had much luck with these and I'm worried when the full winter rains come and bog up the horrible clay soil here they will just die off. But the flower and scent is worth a try!

I also moved a sick and dying Kowhai tree that was basically a stick to be a feature tree there. Obviously it's loving its new position as its regrown its leaves and is looking much healthier! Its gorgeous yellow flowers will be bright and cherry with the white and pink clematis that will hopefully make its way up the trellis along the fence! 

I was always told that you use yellow and orange where you want your focus to be, as it naturally draws the eye first.

There are so many plants that I would like to put around the garden, but having the money to buy them makes it a very expensive endeavor!

So I've decided to attempt to do a bit of propagation! - Yes, laugh now! I've read lots about the different ways of doing this, how you can't do it on some plants that were various degrees of 'wood-y-ness' but seriously - I just gave up reading and decided to do it the "Simple, give it a go" way! I'm guessing some (haha! Maybe most?!) will fail but here is my method:

This is the rooting hormone I chose -
basically I picked it as it was the cheapest!
Buy rooting hormone
Cut the plant
Clear off most leaves
Dip it in rooting hormone
Shove it in the dirt!

I've done hibiscus, lavender, hebe, hydrangeas and even given my bougainvillea a go too!

The hydrangeas and bougainvillea are looking a bit sad and droopy. One of the hibiscus's leaves fell off... but the others are still green and looking alright in the greenhouse!

If these actually take off - talk about savings!! I can finally get some plants growing up and along the fences here! Maybe I can give roses a try next! :)

Bring on next spring already!!! :)